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Ronald Kluger Research Group

Research Publications (2002- Present)

% 107464 @ARTICLE{pmid107464, author = "Kim, Yuju and Huang, Lucia L and Wu, Nathan and Kluger, Ronald", title = "Efficient conversion of hemoglobin to a non-vasoactive oxygen carrier by site-specific cross-linking with azido acyl methyl phosphates followed by bio-orthogonal {CuAAC} with a bis-alkyne", journal = "Bioorg. Chem.", Year="2024", volume = 149, number = 107464, pages = "107464", month = aug, url={https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bioorg.2024.107464}, }

% 38837740 @ARTICLE{pmid38837740, author = "Lee, Chi and Chung, Harriet Wenxin and Kluger, Ronald", title = "Conjugating hemoglobin and albumin by strain-promoted azide- alkyne cycloaddition", journal = "Chembiochem", Year="2024", volume = 25, number = 16, pages = "e202400206", month = aug, url={https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38837740/}, }

% 38176895 @Article{pmid38176895, Author="Zambri, M. A. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{in {I}ts {C}omplex with a {C}arbanion}", Journal="J Am Chem Soc", Year="2024", Volume="146", Number="2", Pages="1403--1409", Month="Jan", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jacs.3c10403}, }

% 36205177 @Article{pmid36205177, Author="Kim, Y. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{-subunit amino groups by methyl acetyl phosphate}", Journal="Org Biomol Chem", Year="2022", Volume="20", Number="41", Pages="8083--8091", Month="Oct", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d2ob01372j}, }

% 35030479 @Article{pmid35030479, Author="Wu, N. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{R}ates of competing fluoride elimination and iodination from a thiamin-derived {B}reslow intermediate}", Journal="Bioorg Chem", Year="2022", Volume="120", Pages="105579", Month="Jan", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bioorg.2021.105579}, }

% 33822616 @Article{pmid33822616, Author="Zhou, S. and Nguyen, B. T. and Richard, J. P. and Kluger, R. and Gao, J. ", Title="{{C}apture in {D}imethylformamide and in {W}ater"}", Journal="J Am Chem Soc", Year="2021", Volume="143", Number="15", Pages="6018", Month="Apr", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jacs.1c03001}, }

% 33375792 @Article{pmid33375792, Author="Zhou, S. and Nguyen, B. T. and Richard, J. P. and Kluger, R. and Gao, J. ", Title="{{C}apture in {D}imethylformamide and in {W}ater}", Journal="J Am Chem Soc", Year="2021", Volume="143", Number="1", Pages="137--141", Month="01", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jacs.0c12414}, }

% 31385510 @Article{pmid31385510, Author="Bielecki, M. and Howe, G. W. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{C}ompeting {P}rotonation and {H}alide {E}limination as a {P}robe of the {C}haracter of {T}hiamin-{D}erived {R}eactive {I}ntermediates}", Journal="Biochemistry", Year="2019", Volume="58", Number="34", Pages="3566--3571", Month="08", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.biochem.9b00298}, }

% 30444016 @Article{pmid30444016, Author="Wang, A. and Singh, S. and Yu, B. and Bloch, D. B. and Zapol, W. M. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{C}ross-linked hemoglobin bis-tetramers from bioorthogonal coupling do not induce vasoconstriction in the circulation}", Journal="Transfusion", Year="2019", Volume="59", Number="1", Pages="359--370", Month="01", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/trf.15003}, }

% 29856601 @Article{pmid29856601, Author="Bielecki, M. and Howe, G. W. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{C}harge {D}ispersion and {I}ts {E}ffects on the {R}eactivity of {T}hiamin-{D}erived {B}reslow {I}ntermediates}", Journal="Biochemistry", Year="2018", Volume="57", Number="26", Pages="3867--3872", Month="07", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.biochem.8b00463}, }

% 29368510 @Article{pmid29368510, Author="Li, Y. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{L}ead-{C}atalyzed {A}queous {B}enzoylation of {C}arbohydrates with an {A}cyl {P}hosphate {E}ster}", Journal="J Org Chem", Year="2018", Volume="83", Number="14", Pages="7360--7365", Month="07", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.joc.7b03142}, }

% 28982238 @Article{pmid28982238, Author="Vandersteen, A. A. and Howe, G. W. and Sherwood Lollar, B. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{I}ncorporation into 1,3-{D}imethoxybenzene}", Journal="J Am Chem Soc", Year="2017", Volume="139", Number="42", Pages="15049--15053", Month="10", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jacs.7b07504}, }

% 28911782 @Article{pmid28911782, Author="Mundle, S. O. C. and Lollar, B. S. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{}", Journal="Methods Enzymol", Year="2017", Volume="596", Pages="501--522", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/bs.mie.2017.07.024}, }

% 28455906 @Article{pmid28455906, Author="Bielecki, M. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{T}he {N}eed for an {A}lternative to {R}adicals as the {C}ause of {F}ragmentation of a {T}hiamin-{D}erived {B}reslow {I}ntermediate}", Journal="Angew Chem Int Ed Engl", Year="2017", Volume="56", Number="22", Pages="6321--6323", Month="05", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/anie.201702240}, }

% 27816798 @Article{pmid27816798, Author="Heidari, Y. and Howe, G. W. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{T}he reactivity of lactyl-oxythiamin implies the role of the amino-pyrimidine in thiamin catalyzed decarboxylation}", Journal="Bioorg Chem", Year="2016", Volume="69", Pages="153--158", Month="12", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bioorg.2016.10.008}, }

% 27714247 @Article{pmid27714247, Author="Singh, S. and Dubinsky-Davidchik, I. S. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{S}train-promoted azide-alkyne cycloaddition for protein-protein coupling in the formation of a bis-hemoglobin as a copper-free oxygen carrier}", Journal="Org Biomol Chem", Year="2016", Volume="14", Number="42", Pages="10011--10017", Month="Oct", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c6ob01817c}, }

% 27454142 @Article{pmid27454142, Author="Wang, A. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{E}nhanced {N}itrite {R}eductase {A}ctivity and {I}ts {C}orrelation with {O}xygen {A}ffinity in {H}emoglobin {B}is-{T}etramers}", Journal="Biochemistry", Year="2016", Volume="55", Number="33", Pages="4688--4696", Month="08", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.biochem.6b00542}, }

% 27241436 @Article{pmid27241436, Author="Howe, G. W. and Vandersteen, A. A. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{H}ow {A}cid-{C}atalyzed {D}ecarboxylation of 2,4-{D}imethoxybenzoic {A}cid {A}voids {F}ormation of {P}rotonated {C}{O}2}", Journal="J Am Chem Soc", Year="2016", Volume="138", Number="24", Pages="7568--7573", Month="06", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jacs.6b01770}, }

% 27126305 @Article{pmid27126305, Author="Singh, S. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{S}elf-{A}ssembly of a {F}unctional {T}riple {P}rotein: {H}emoglobin-{A}vidin-{H}emoglobin via {B}iotin-{A}vidin {I}nteractions}", Journal="Biochemistry", Year="2016", Volume="55", Number="20", Pages="2875--2882", Month="05", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.biochem.6b00215}, }

% 26528892 @Article{pmid26528892, Author="Kluger, R. ", Title="{{D}ecarboxylation, {C}{O}2 and the reversion problem}", Journal="Acc Chem Res", Year="2015", Volume="48", Number="11", Pages="2843--2849", Month="Nov", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.accounts.5b00306}, }

% 26400017 @Article{pmid26400017, Author="Singh, S. and Dubinsky-Davidchik, I. S. and Yang, Y. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{S}ubunit-directed click coupling via doubly cross-linked hemoglobin efficiently produces readily purified functional bis-tetrameric oxygen carriers}", Journal="Org Biomol Chem", Year="2015", Volume="13", Number="45", Pages="11118--11128", Month="Dec", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c5ob01755f}, }

% 26333207 @Article{pmid26333207, Author="Bielecki, M. and Howe, G. W. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{L}ithium-stabilized nucleophilic addition of thiamin to a ketone provides an efficient route to mandelylthiamin, a critical pre-decarboxylation intermediate}", Journal="Bioorg Chem", Year="2015", Volume="62", Pages="124--129", Month="Oct", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bioorg.2015.08.004}, }

% 26308144 @Article{pmid26308144, Author="Siren, E. M. and Singh, S. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{B}ioorthogonal phase-directed copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition ({P}{D}{C}u{A}{A}{C}) coupling of selectively cross-linked superoxide dismutase dimers produces a fully active bis-dimer}", Journal="Org Biomol Chem", Year="2015", Volume="13", Number="40", Pages="10244--10249", Month="Oct", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c5ob01702e}, }

% 25340631 @Article{pmid25340631, Author="Howe, G. W. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{D}ecarboxylation without {C}{O}2: why bicarbonate forms directly as trichloroacetate is converted to chloroform}", Journal="J Org Chem", Year="2014", Volume="79", Number="22", Pages="10972--10980", Month="Nov", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jo501990u}, }

% 25325574 @Article{pmid25325574, Author="Wang, A. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{I}ncreasing efficiency in protein-protein coupling: subunit-directed acetylation and phase-directed {C}u{A}{A}{C} ("click coupling") in the formation of hemoglobin bis-tetramers}", Journal="Biochemistry", Year="2014", Volume="53", Number="43", Pages="6793--6799", Month="Nov", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/bi501054b}, }

% 24256305 @Article{pmid24256305, Author="Vandersteen, A. A. and Mundle, S. O. and Lacrampe-Couloume, G. and Sherwood Lollar, B. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{C}arbon kinetic isotope effects reveal variations in reactivity of intermediates in the formation of protonated carbonic acid}", Journal="J Org Chem", Year="2013", Volume="78", Number="23", Pages="12176--12181", Month="Dec", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jo402180z}, }

% 23965678 @Article{pmid23965678, Author="Lüdtke, S. and Neumann, P. and Erixon, K. M. and Leeper, F. and Kluger, R. and Ficner, R. and Tittmann, K. ", Title="{{S}ub-ångström-resolution crystallography reveals physical distortions that enhance reactivity of a covalent enzymatic intermediate}", Journal="Nat Chem", Year="2013", Volume="5", Number="9", Pages="762--767", Month="Sep", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nchem.1728}, }

% 23886373 @Article{pmid23886373, Author="Kluger, R. ", Title="{{A}nalysis of claims of enhanced enzyme catalysis by inorganic colloidosomes}", Journal="Bioorg Chem", Year="2013", Volume="49", Pages="59--60", Month="Aug", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bioorg.2013.06.004}, }

% 23821571 @Article{pmid23821571, Author="Mundle, S. O. and Vandersteen, A. A. and Lacrampe-Couloume, G. and Kluger, R. and Sherwood Lollar, B. ", Title="{{P}ressure-monitored headspace analysis combined with compound-specific isotope analysis to measure isotope fractionation in gas-producing reactions}", Journal="Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom", Year="2013", Volume="27", Number="15", Pages="1778--1784", Month="Aug", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/rcm.6625}, }

% 23215448 @Article{pmid23215448, Author="Howe, G. W. and Bielecki, M. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{B}ase-catalyzed decarboxylation of mandelylthiamin: direct formation of bicarbonate as an alternative to formation of {C}{O}2}", Journal="J Am Chem Soc", Year="2012", Volume="134", Number="51", Pages="20621--20623", Month="Dec", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja310952a}, }

% 22804752 @Article{pmid22804752, Author="Vandersteen, A. A. and Mundle, S. O. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{P}rotonated carbonic acid and reactive intermediates in the acidic decarboxylation of indolecarboxylic acids}", Journal="J Org Chem", Year="2012", Volume="77", Number="15", Pages="6505--6509", Month="Aug", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jo301032f}, }

% 22122780 @Article{pmid22122780, Author="Mundle, S. O. and Howe, G. W. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{O}rigins of steric effects in general-base-catalyzed enolization: solvation and electrostatic attraction}", Journal="J Am Chem Soc", Year="2012", Volume="134", Number="2", Pages="1066--1070", Month="Jan", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja2085959}, }

% 22070638 @Article{pmid22070638, Author="Lui, F. E. and Yu, B. and Baron, D. M. and Lei, C. and Zapol, W. M. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{H}emodynamic responses to a hemoglobin bis-tetramer and its polyethylene glycol conjugate}", Journal="Transfusion", Year="2012", Volume="52", Number="5", Pages="974--982", Month="May", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1537-2995.2011.03421.x}, }

% 21735032 @Article{pmid21735032, Author="Dhiman, R. S. and Opinska, L. G. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{B}iomimetic peptide bond formation in water with aminoacyl phosphate esters}", Journal="Org Biomol Chem", Year="2011", Volume="9", Number="16", Pages="5645--5647", Month="Aug", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c1ob05660c}, }

% 21132175 @Article{pmid21132175, Author="Her, S. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{B}iomimetic protecting-group-free 2', 3'-selective aminoacylation of nucleosides and nucleotides}", Journal="Org Biomol Chem", Year="2011", Volume="9", Number="3", Pages="676--678", Month="Feb", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c0ob00795a}, }

% 20852763 @Article{pmid20852763, Author="Yang, Y. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{E}fficient {C}u{A}{A}{C} click formation of functional hemoglobin bis-tetramers}", Journal="Chem Commun (Camb)", Year="2010", Volume="46", Number="40", Pages="7557--7559", Month="Oct", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c0cc02023k}, }

% 20661989 @Article{pmid20661989, Author="Lui, F. E. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{R}eviving artificial blood: meeting the challenge of dealing with {N}{O} scavenging by hemoglobin}", Journal="Chembiochem", Year="2010", Volume="11", Number="13", Pages="1816--1824", Month="Sep", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cbic.201000291}, }

% 20449249 @Article{pmid20449249, Author="Kluger, R. and Foot, J. S. and Vandersteen, A. A. ", Title="{{P}rotein-protein coupling and its application to functional red cell substitutes}", Journal="Chem Commun (Camb)", Year="2010", Volume="46", Number="8", Pages="1194--1202", Month="Feb", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1039/b922694j}, }

% 20401373 @Article{pmid20401373, Author="Dhiman, R. S. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{M}agnesium ion enhances lanthanum-promoted monobenzoylation of a monosaccharide in water}", Journal="Org Biomol Chem", Year="2010", Volume="8", Number="9", Pages="2006--2008", Month="May", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1039/b926851k}, }

% 20392662 @Article{pmid20392662, Author="Kluger, R. ", Title="{{R}ed cell substitutes from hemoglobin--do we start all over again?}", Journal="Curr Opin Chem Biol", Year="2010", Volume="14", Number="4", Pages="538--543", Month="Aug", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpa.2010.03.021}, }

% 20121187 @Article{pmid20121187, Author="Mundle, S. O. and Lacrampe-Couloume, G. and Lollar, B. S. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{H}ydrolytic decarboxylation of carboxylic acids and the formation of protonated carbonic acid}", Journal="J Am Chem Soc", Year="2010", Volume="132", Number="7", Pages="2430--2436", Month="Feb", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja910608m}, }

% 20024213 @Article{pmid20024213, Author="Foot, J. S. and Lui, F. E. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{H}emoglobin bis-tetramers via cooperative azide-alkyne coupling}", Journal="Chem Commun (Camb)", Year="2009", Number="47", Pages="7315--7317", Month="Dec", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1039/b918860f}, }

% 19894773 @Article{pmid19894773, Author="Lui, F. E. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{E}nhancing nitrite reductase activity of modified hemoglobin: bis-tetramers and their {P}{E}{G}ylated derivatives}", Journal="Biochemistry", Year="2009", Volume="48", Number="50", Pages="11912--11919", Month="Dec", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/bi9014105}, }

% 19645466 @Article{pmid19645466, Author="Mundle, S. O. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{D}ecarboxylation via addition of water to a carboxyl group: acid catalysis of pyrrole-2-carboxylic acid}", Journal="J Am Chem Soc", Year="2009", Volume="131", Number="33", Pages="11674--11675", Month="Aug", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja905196n}, }

% 19642680 @Article{pmid19642680, Author="Mundle, S. O. and Rathgeber, S. and Lacrampe-Couloume, G. and Sherwood Lollar, B. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{I}nternal return of carbon dioxide in decarboxylation: catalysis of separation and 12{C}/13{C} kinetic isotope effects}", Journal="J Am Chem Soc", Year="2009", Volume="131", Number="33", Pages="11638--11639", Month="Aug", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja902686h}, }

% 19016847 @Article{pmid19016847, Author="Kluger, R. and Rathgeber, S. ", Title="{{C}atalyzing separation of carbon dioxide in thiamin diphosphate-promoted decarboxylation}", Journal="FEBS J", Year="2008", Volume="275", Number="24", Pages="6089--6100", Month="Dec", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1742-4658.2008.06739.x}, }

% 18956893 @Article{pmid18956893, Author="Hu, D. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{F}unctional cross-linked hemoglobin bis-tetramers: geometry and cooperativity}", Journal="Biochemistry", Year="2008", Volume="47", Number="47", Pages="12551--12561", Month="Nov", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/bi801452b}, }

% 18795797 @Article{pmid18795797, Author="Lui, F. E. and Dong, P. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{P}olyethylene glycol conjugation enhances the nitrite reductase activity of native and cross-linked hemoglobin}", Journal="Biochemistry", Year="2008", Volume="47", Number="40", Pages="10773--10780", Month="Oct", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/bi801116k}, }

% 18505289 @Article{pmid18505289, Author="Wodzinska, J. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{p{K}a-dependent formation of amides in water from an acyl phosphate monoester and amines}", Journal="J Org Chem", Year="2008", Volume="73", Number="12", Pages="4753--4754", Month="Jun", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jo800667b}, }

% 18491870 @Article{pmid18491870, Author="Kluger, R. and Tittmann, K. ", Title="{{T}hiamin diphosphate catalysis: enzymic and nonenzymic covalent intermediates}", Journal="Chem Rev", Year="2008", Volume="108", Number="6", Pages="1797--1833", Month="Jun", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr068444m}, }

% 18276837 @Article{pmid18276837, Author="Chow, E. C. and Liu, L. and Ship, N. and Kluger, R. H. and Pang, K. S. ", Title="{{R}ole of haptoglobin on the uptake of native and beta-chain [trimesoyl-({L}ys82)beta-({L}ys82)beta] cross-linked human hemoglobins in isolated perfused rat livers}", Journal="Drug Metab Dispos", Year="2008", Volume="36", Number="5", Pages="937--945", Month="May", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1124/dmd.107.019174}, }

% 18075660 @Article{pmid18075660, Author="Hu, D. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{E}fficient generation of dendritic arrays of cross-linked hemoglobin: symmetry and redundancy}", Journal="Org Biomol Chem", Year="2008", Volume="6", Number="1", Pages="151--156", Month="Jan", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1039/b714684a}, }

% 18052163 @Article{pmid18052163, Author="Tzvetkova, S. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{B}iomimetic aminoacylation of ribonucleotides and {R}{N}{A} with aminoacyl phosphate esters and lanthanum salts}", Journal="J Am Chem Soc", Year="2007", Volume="129", Number="51", Pages="15848--15854", Month="Dec", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja073976l}, }

% 17572400 @Article{pmid17572400, Author="Gray, I. J. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{C}helation-controlled regioselectivity in the lanthanum-promoted monobenzoylation of monosaccharides in water}", Journal="Carbohydr Res", Year="2007", Volume="342", Number="14", Pages="1998--2002", Month="Oct", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.carres.2007.05.024}, }

% 17147398 @Article{pmid17147398, Author="Kluger, R. and Ikeda, G. and Hu, Q. and Cao, P. and Drewry, J. ", Title="{{A}ccelerating unimolecular decarboxylation by preassociated acid catalysis in thiamin-derived intermediates: implicating {B}rønsted acids as carbanion traps in enzymes}", Journal="J Am Chem Soc", Year="2006", Volume="128", Number="49", Pages="15856--15864", Month="Dec", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja066249j}, }

% 16996103 @Article{pmid16996103, Author="Kluger, R. and Yu, D. ", Title="{{P}rotein-enhanced decarboxylation of the covalent intermediate in benzoylformate decarboxylase--{D}esolvation or acid catalysis?}", Journal="Bioorg Chem", Year="2006", Volume="34", Number="6", Pages="337--344", Month="Dec", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bioorg.2006.08.002}, }

% 16853667 @Article{pmid16853667, Author="Walther, M. and Raicu, V. and Ogilvie, J. P. and Phillips, R. and Kluger, R. and Miller, R. J. ", Title="{{D}etermination of the {F}e-{C}{O} bond energy in myoglobin using heterodyne-detected transient thermal phase grating spectroscopy}", Journal="J Phys Chem B", Year="2005", Volume="109", Number="43", Pages="20605--20611", Month="Nov", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp052344n}, }

% 16472748 @Article{pmid16472748, Author="Machius, M. and Wynn, R. M. and Chuang, J. L. and Li, J. and Kluger, R. and Yu, D. and Tomchick, D. R. and Brautigam, C. A. and Chuang, D. T. ", Title="{{A} versatile conformational switch regulates reactivity in human branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase}", Journal="Structure", Year="2006", Volume="14", Number="2", Pages="287--298", Month="Feb", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.str.2005.10.009}, }

% 16274245 @Article{pmid16274245, Author="Gourianov, N. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{C}onjoined hemoglobins. {L}oss of cooperativity and protein-protein interactions}", Journal="Biochemistry", Year="2005", Volume="44", Number="45", Pages="14989--14999", Month="Nov", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/bi0513812}, }

% 16131200 @Article{pmid16131200, Author="Hu, Q. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{M}aking thiamin work faster: acid-promoted separation of carbon dioxide}", Journal="J Am Chem Soc", Year="2005", Volume="127", Number="35", Pages="12242--12243", Month="Sep", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja054165p}, }

% 15926827 @Article{pmid15926827, Author="Alagic, A. and Koprianiuk, A. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{H}emoglobin-superoxide dismutase-chemical linkages that create a dual-function protein}", Journal="J Am Chem Soc", Year="2005", Volume="127", Number="22", Pages="8036--8043", Month="Jun", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja050339r}, }

% 15890714 @Article{pmid15890714, Author="Ship, N. J. and Toprak, A. and Lai, R. P. and Tseng, E. and Kluger, R. and Pang, K. S. ", Title="{{B}inding of acellular, native and cross-linked human hemoglobins to haptoglobin: enhanced distribution and clearance in the rat}", Journal="Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol", Year="2005", Volume="288", Number="6", Pages="G1301--1309", Month="Jun", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1152/ajpgi.00399.2004}, }

% 15752351 @Article{pmid15752351, Author="Golbik, R. and Meshalkina, L. E. and Sandalova, T. and Tittmann, K. and Fiedler, E. and Neef, H. and König, S. and Kluger, R. and Kochetov, G. A. and Schneider, G. and Hübner, G. ", Title="{{E}ffect of coenzyme modification on the structural and catalytic properties of wild-type transketolase and of the variant {E}418{A} from {S}accharomyces cerevisiae}", Journal="FEBS J", Year="2005", Volume="272", Number="6", Pages="1326--1342", Month="Mar", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1742-4658.2005.04562.x}, }

% 15530987 @Article{pmid15530987, Author="Kluger, R. and Alagic, A. ", Title="{{C}hemical cross-linking and protein-protein interactions-a review with illustrative protocols}", Journal="Bioorg Chem", Year="2004", Volume="32", Number="6", Pages="451--472", Month="Dec", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bioorg.2004.08.002}, }

% 15327331 @Article{pmid15327331, Author="Cameron, L. L. and Wang, S. C. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{B}iomimetic monoacylation of diols in water. {L}anthanide-promoted reactions of methyl benzoyl phosphate}", Journal="J Am Chem Soc", Year="2004", Volume="126", Number="34", Pages="10721--10726", Month="Sep", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja049538l}, }

% 14709063 @Article{pmid14709063, Author="Hu, Q. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{F}ragmentation of the conjugate base of 2-(1-hydroxybenzyl)thiamin: does benzoylformate decarboxylase prevent orbital overlap to avoid it?}", Journal="J Am Chem Soc", Year="2004", Volume="126", Number="1", Pages="68--69", Month="Jan", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja0390505}, }

% 12952468 @Article{pmid12952468, Author="Gourianov, N. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{C}ross-linked bis-hemoglobins: connections and oxygen binding}", Journal="J Am Chem Soc", Year="2003", Volume="125", Number="36", Pages="10885--10892", Month="Sep", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja036596i}, }

% 12785833 @Article{pmid12785833, Author="Kluger, R. and Zhang, J. ", Title="{{H}emoglobin dendrimers: functional protein clusters}", Journal="J Am Chem Soc", Year="2003", Volume="125", Number="20", Pages="6070--6071", Month="May", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja034376z}, }

% 12697165 @Article{pmid12697165, Author="Ship, N. J. and Pezacki, J. P. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{R}ates of release of nitric oxide from {H}b{S}{N}{O} and internal electron transfer}", Journal="Bioorg Chem", Year="2003", Volume="31", Number="1", Pages="3--10", Month="Feb", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0045-2068(02)00509-6}, }

% 12475322 @Article{pmid12475322, Author="Hu, Q. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{R}eactivity of intermediates in benzoylformate decarboxylase: avoiding the path to destruction}", Journal="J Am Chem Soc", Year="2002", Volume="124", Number="50", Pages="14858--14859", Month="Dec", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja027976r}, }

% 11916414 @Article{pmid11916414, Author="Kluger, R. and Cameron, L. L. ", Title="{{A}ctivation of acyl phosphate monoesters by lanthanide ions: enhanced reactivity of benzoyl methyl phosphate}", Journal="J Am Chem Soc", Year="2002", Volume="124", Number="13", Pages="3303--3308", Month="Apr", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja016600v}, }

% 11853442 @Article{pmid11853442, Author="Moore, I. F. and Kluger, R. ", Title="{{S}ubstituent effects in carbon-nitrogen cleavage of thiamin derivatives. {F}ragmentation pathways and enzymic avoidance of cofactor destruction}", Journal="J Am Chem Soc", Year="2002", Volume="124", Number="8", Pages="1669--1673", Month="Feb", url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja0173627}, }